Month: April 2019

May Beef

2024 Winners! Joanne Bodley – Wins $200 in BEEF from Oak Meadow Meats in Harmony – Registered at Elliot Jewelers in Waukon Casy Panos – Wins the Traeger Pro 575 Grill from Fisk Farm and Home Stores – Registered at Randy’s Carquest in Decorah IN HONOR OF OUR AREA BEEF PRODUCERS WE ARE GIVING AWAY … Read More

April 29th

THIS has been called the most dangerous food to eat while driving. What is it? Potato Chips

April 26th

25% of people have kept THIS a secret from their partner? What is it? A Traffic Ticket

April 25th

Almost 40% of us agree that THIS instantly makes someone more attractive. What is it? Wearing Sunglasses

April 23rd

13% of people say they would rather do THIS than their taxes. What is it? Spend a night in jail

April 19th

The #1 thing that will get you out of a bad mood in the morning… listening to the radio!