Broadcasting on 104.7 FM and 100.5 HD-3, KVIK covers Northeast Iowa and Southeast Minnesota with Classic Hits 24/7! KVIK is also know as "Your Racing Station" covering NASCAR races from MRN and PRN, plus NASCAR Live and "Live from the Pits" covering local tracks. Les & Nell kick-off your weekday mornings with contests and giveaways. Mid-days are covered by Janelle Halverson, Demitre Ellis takes you through lunch time, and Joe Casper gets you home. Darin Svenson covers local news & sports each weekday and forecasts from the Weatherology Weather Center. On weekends enjoy NASCAR racing, Captain Adam's Yacht Rock, MG Kelly's American Hit List, Classic Hit List and Back To The 70s; Nina Blackwood's Absolutely 80's; and LIVEinCONCERT. If you would like to become one of our valued advertisers please call 563-382-5845 or e-mail