Water Cooler Question

May 14th

50% of parents say they don’t want their kids picking up THIS bad habit from them. What is it? Their driving habits

May 13th

90% of us admit we do THIS but 80% won’t do it if anyone else is around….Sing in the car. (Women and redheads are most likely to.)

May 10th

About 10% of adults have had the same one of THESE since elementary school. What is it?Their Best Friend!

May 9th

A study found that 1 in 4 men never ever do THIS. What is it? Wear Deodorant

May 8th

A study found that a compliment from a boss is the number 1 thing that increases worker productivity. What is number 2? Free food!

May 7th

20% of married people say THIS is what their spouses did that caused them to quit speaking to them the last time. Threw something away they shouldn’t have.

May 6th

11% of new parents say they have fallen asleep HERE. Where is it? In the Shower

May 3rd 2019

The average guy will do THIS almost 1200 times this year, while the average woman will do it fewer than 800 times. What is it? Tell a lie

May 2nd

50% of people think THIS could hold them back from advancing in their career. What is it? Their tattoo (or tattoos)