Aase Haugen residents invite kids to trick or treat

Aase Haugen residents invite children to Trick or Treat

Aase Haugen residents are excited to invite area children to Trick or Treat at the nursing home on Thursday, October 31 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  “It really brightens our day to see the little ghost and goblins,” says Andrea Hexom, Aase Haugen activities supervisor. “Our residents will have pumpkins full of candy to pass out as the children wander through the main dining room and around the hall through Assisted Living to trick or treat with us.”

The children and their escorts should enter through the main entrance of the nursing home where they will be guided to the trick or treat area and end up exiting through the Assisted Living doors. It’s all inside, so come rain or shine!#30#


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