Benefit Raffle For Jeremy Engrav & Family

Jeremy was diagnosed with glioblastoma in April 2022. He had surgery and they were able to resect 99% of the mass. He received radiation throughout the summer of 2022. He also had chemo treatments that continued into 2023. In January 2023 at his routine scan, they discovered progression of disease. In March 2023, he started a new treatment plan, which is a targeted form of therapy. Jeremy is the husband of Betsy Engrav and the father of four beautiful children, Brayden (15) Brecken (11) Brantley (10) Briar (7).
All proceeds from this raffle will go to the family to help pay medical expenses.
Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for 20$
Tickets are available from:
Lee or Jenny Stegen 563-794-0518
Cody Snitker 563-379-3162 or Blaine Snitker 563-794-0971
Ben Rausch 563-568-1233
Stef Perkins 563-794-0756
Green Valley Getaway 563-419-1709
Waukon State Bank 563-568-3451
Lid’s Restaurant Dan or Kelly Liddiard 563-568-2388
Epic Wear 563-387-7853
Quinn Brennan 563-568-9856
We will draw a winner live on KNEI in early June.
If you want to buy tickets electronically you can Venmo the money and your phone number and you will be automatically entered in the drawing.

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