Mourning Covid Deaths

  • Beginning on Monday, June 1st, area communities of faith will ring their bells for one minute at 11:00 am each Monday to mark lives lost and affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

This is part of a call for a National Day of Mourning and Lament. The ongoing bell-ringing each week recognizes all lives affected by the pandemic. People are invited to stand outside at this time each week in solidarity with our community and the world.

Initiated by the church leaders in the Decorah Area Faith Coalition, this one way is to express a community symbol of sympathy for the grief at the loss of over 100,000 lives in this pandemic and the grief for the many dimensions of loss and grieving that affect almost every household in this area. The US Conference of Mayors and National Governors Association have been issuing invitations to participate.

More Information

  • Ruth Palmer, Member of the Decorah Area Faith Coalition from St. Benedict Church & Northeast Iowa Peace & Justice Center
  • 563-379-6777
  • More Information