Community News Stories
April 24, 2020
A Message from Winneshiek County Veterans Affairs
National Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). Press 1 for Veterans.
Free support when in distress, feeling anxious, prevention, confidential and available 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.
National Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255. Press 1 for Veterans.
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April 24, 2020
Waukon Community Meal will be served Monday (April 27) from 5 to 7 p.m, 2020
The monthly Waukon Community Meal will be served Monday (April 27) from 5 to 7 p.m. The free sack lunches will be distributed by drive-through service at City Park in Waukon. Drivers are asked to enter the park off Rossville Road and proceed around the park’s circle drive per normal Park traffic flow. The lunch sacks will be handed out at the end of the circle drive near the Sweeney Pavilion. FOR YOUR SAFETY, PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES. There is a limit of six lunches per vehicle. The sack lunches include a ham-and-cheese sandwich, a piece of fruit, a bag of vegetable relishes, a bag of chips, and a small dessert.
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April 24, 2020
Decorah Park-Rec. Summer Registration Temporarily Delayed
DATE: April 24, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Decorah Park-Rec. Summer Registration Temporarily Delayed
PRESS CONTACT: Judy Syverson (563) 382-4158,
Decorah Parks and Recreation is delaying the start of summer registration for swim lessons and recreational activities until further notice. The department is following the orders of Governor Reynolds and the direction of the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County Public Health, the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Decorah Park-Rec continues to serve residents by maintaining its parks, green space and trails system, offering Activities from a Distance for kids and families to do at home and providing outdoor challenges to the community. Information about Activities from a Distance, the Explore Decorah trail scavenger hunt, and the Virtual Race Series can be found on the Decorah Park-Rec Website ( and Facebook page (
Park and trail users should continue to obey social distancing guidelines.
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April 24, 2020
Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation 04/24/2020
Gov. Reynolds signs new proclamation
continuing the State Public Health
Emergency Declaration
Fri, 04/24/2020 – 12:45
DES MOINES – Today, Gov. Reynolds signed a new proclamation continuing the State Public
Health Emergency Declaration. The proclamation permits health care providers to begin
the process of resuming some elective surgeries and procedures through a phased
approach, permits farmers markets to begin limited operations with appropriate public
health precautions, and provides other relief to Iowans affected by this disaster.
Read the full proclamation below or online here:
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization has reported an outbreak of thousands of cases
of Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in multiple countries, causing illness and deaths;
WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, the United States Department of Health and Human
Services declared a national public health emergency; and
WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency was issued to
coordinate the State of Iowa’s response to the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
outbreak and such disaster continues to exist; and
WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19
outbreak a global pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, President Donald J. Trump issued a proclamation declaring
that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, a Proclamation of Public Health Disaster Emergency was
issued to provide additional needed resources and measures to respond to this disaster,
was extended on April 2, 2020, and such public health disaster continues to exist; and
WHEREAS, responding to this public health disaster and the continued medical needs of
Iowans requires the preservation of personal protective equipment to protect our
healthcare workforce and the preservation of critical hospital capacity for Iowans impacted
by the COVID-19 outbreak or while permitting the provision of other medical care; and
WHEREAS, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 may be substantially reduced while still
providing Iowans essential food products by limiting farmers markets and ensuring that
they engage in certain preventative measures; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-131.5(1)
requiring in-person clinical experience would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in
coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-131.4(1)(f)
requiring successful completion of the NREMT practical examination to be eligible for state
certification would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in
all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-
131.5(10)(d) requiring training programs meet certain standards and guidelines in
applying to the department would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with
this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 147.2, 148B.8, and
154B.4, and Iowa Admin. Code r. 645-201.3(4) and 645-208.3(4), requiring out-of-state
physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational
therapy assistants, speech pathologists, audiologists, optometrists, podiatrists,
psychologists, dietitians, hearing aid specialists, physician assistants, behavior analysts,
assistant behavior analysts, orthotists, pedorthists, and prosthetists who hold an active
license in another state to be licensed in Iowa to provide services by telephone or other
electronic means to individuals in the State of Iowa would prevent, hinder, or delay
necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 35A.16(3) and 35B.6,
and provisions of the Iowa Administrative Code implementing those sections, limiting
certain expenditures of allocations from the county commissions of veteran affairs fund
would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties
of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code § 256I.9(4)(e) limiting the
amount of school ready child grant funding that may carry forward to the next fiscal year
would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties
of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 26 requiring the
distribution, receipt, opening, or recording of paper documents by a governmental entity
under the Iowa Construction Bidding Procedures Act would prevent, hinder, or delay
necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code § 808.8(2) requiring a peace
officer’s statement on a return of service to be made under oath would prevent, hinder, or
delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rules 650-11.2, 650-
11.5, 650-12.1, and 650-12.4 requiring an applicant for initial licensure as a dentist or
dental hygienist to complete specific examinations as a prerequisite for licensure would
prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our
state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with Iowa Code § 135.17(3) and Iowa Administrative Code
rule 641-51.12 which require each local board of health to furnish the Iowa Department of
Public Health with evidence by May 31 annually that each student enrolled in school within
the local board’s jurisdiction has satisfied dental screening requirements would prevent,
hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state;
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 493-12.3(1)
limiting the submission of interim claims in juvenile cases to certain hearings would
prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our
state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 493-12.3(4)
limiting the submission of interim claims in other cases to the conclusion of the case would
prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our
state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.2, 446.7(1), 446.9,
446.10(2), 446.15, 446.16, 446.17, 446.18, 446.19, 446.19A, 446.19B, 446.24, 446.25, and
446.28 requiring a county treasurer to hold a tax sale for any parcel on which taxes are
delinquent would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in
all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.20(1) and 445.3(5),
permitting a county treasurer to collect the total amount of delinquent taxes due by
alternative remedy would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this
disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.20(2), 447.9 and
447.12 relating to a person’s right of redemption would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary
action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 447.1(1), 447.3, 447.4,
447.7(d), 447.8(4), relating to payments of interest on a person’s right of redemption
would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties
of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 448.1(1), requiring a
county treasurer to make out a deed immediately after the expiration of ninety days from
the date of completed service of a notice to redeem would prevent, hinder, or delay
necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code § 422.7(32)(a) and Iowa
Admin. Code rule 701-40.53(1)(b) requiring a taxpayer that has made contributions to the
Iowa educational savings plan trust to make certain contributions and elections by April 30
would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties
of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 541B.3(1)(a) and §§
541B.3(2)(a) and Iowa Admin. Code rule 701-40.82(2)(b)(4) requiring the designation of
an account and an individual as beneficiary of a first-time homebuyer savings account by
April 30 of the year following the tax year during which the account is opened would
prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our
state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 331.478(2) and
331.478(3) permitting a board of trustees of a county hospital to authorize noncurrent
debts would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all
counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code §§ 331.478(2) and 331.479
requiring notice, publication, and a meeting of a board of trustees of a county hospital prior
to authorizing noncurrent debts would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping
with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 643 concerning
actions of replevin to recover collateral for nonpayment of a debt would prevent, hinder, or
delay necessary action in coping with this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the provisions authorizing the commencement of
proceedings or the prosecution of ongoing proceedings subject to mandatory mediation
under Iowa Code §654A.6 would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with
this disaster in all counties of our state; and
WHEREAS, strict compliance with the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 642
and 626 regarding the practice of garnishing Iowan’s bank accounts, public benefits, and
earnings, including potentially garnishing federal stimulus and expanded unemployment
insurance payments, causes hardship for the most vulnerable Iowans and is
counterproductive to the government’s efforts to counteract the negative economic effects
of this disaster in all counties of our state.
NOW THEREFORE, I, KIMBERLY K. REYNOLDS, Governor of the State of Iowa, by the
power and authority vested in me by the Iowa Constitution, Art. IV, §§ 1, 8 and Iowa Code
§§ 29C.6(1), 135.140(6), and 135.144 do hereby proclaim a STATE OF PUBLIC HEALTH
DISASTER EMERGENCY continues to exist throughout the entire state of Iowa and do
hereby ORDER and DIRECT the following:
SECTION ONE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the Iowa
Department of Public Health, unless otherwise modified by subsequent proclamation or
order of the Iowa Department of Public Health, I hereby order that effective at 5:00 a.m. on
April 27, 2020, and continuing until this disaster proclamation expires:
A. A hospital, outpatient surgery provider, or outpatient procedure provider may conduct
in-patient surgeries and procedures that, if further delayed, will pose a significant risk to
quality of life and any outpatient surgeries or procedures if the hospital or provider
complies with the following requirements:
(1) A hospital or provider must have:
(a) Adequate inventories of personal protective equipment (PPE) and access to a reliable
supply chain without relying on state or local government PPE stockpiles to support
continued operations and respond to an unexpected surge in a timely manner; and
(b) A plan to conserve PPE consistent with guidance from the CDC and Iowa Department of
Public Health;
(2) A hospital or provider must have a plan for timely COVID-19 testing of symptomatic
patients and staff to rapidly mitigate potential clusters of infection and as otherwise
clinically indicated. Providers must comply with any relevant guidance related to testing
requirements for patients and staff issued by the Iowa Department of Public Health, the
CDC, or a provider’s professional specialty society. For scheduled surgeries patients should
have a negative COVID-19 test performed within 48 hours of surgery date. If a COVID-19
test is not available, a hospital or provider should consider alternative methods to
determine the patient’s probability of COVID-19. If the patient has symptoms of fever,
cough, or low oxygen saturation, then postponing the surgery is recommended.
(3) A hospital must continue to accept and treat COVID-19 patients and must not transfer
COVID-19 patients to create capacity for elective procedures.
(4) A hospital must reserve at least 30% of intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 30% of
medical/surgical beds for COVID-19 patients.
(5) A hospital or provider that begins conducting surgeries or procedures as authorized by
this paragraph but is no longer able to satisfy all these requirements must cease conducting
such surgeries or procedures except as authorized by paragraph B. All hospitals and
providers shall have a plan in place to monitor compliance and a transition plan to reduce
or suspend procedures and surgeries as necessary.
B. Except as provided in paragraph A, all nonessential or elective surgeries and procedures
that utilize PPE must not be conducted by any hospital, outpatient surgery provider, or
outpatient procedure provider, whether public, private, or nonprofit.
C. A nonessential surgery or procedure is one that can be delayed without undue risk to the
current or future health of a patient, considering all appropriate factors including, but not
limited to any: (1) threat to the patient’s life if the surgery or procedure is not performed;
(2) threat of permanent dysfunction of an extremity or organ system; (3) risk of metastasis
or progression of staging; and (4) risk of rapidly worsening to severe symptoms.
D. Each hospital, outpatient surgery provider, and outpatient procedure provider shall limit
all nonessential individuals in surgery and procedure suites and patient care areas where
PPE is required. Only individuals essential to conducting the surgery or procedure shall be
present in such areas.
E. Each hospital, outpatient surgery provider, and outpatient procedure provider shall
establish an internal governance structure to ensure that the principles outlined above are
SECTION TWO. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I hereby order that farmers
markets, as defined in Iowa Code § 137F shall not be prohibited as a mass gathering under
the Proclamations of Disaster Emergency issued on April 6, 2020, or April 16, 2020, but
only to the extent that the farmers market complies with the following requirements:
A. Farm Products and Food: The farmers market may only permit vendors who sell farm
products or food. Vendors selling other goods or services are not permitted.
B. Entertainment and Activities Prohibited: Musical performances, children’s activities,
contests, or other entertainment or activities organized by the farmers market or vendors
are prohibited.
C. Common Seating Prohibited: Farmers markets must eliminate all common seating
areas, picnic tables, or dining areas and shall prohibit vendors from having any seating for
the public to congregate or eat food on the premises.
D. Vendor Spacing: Farmers markets shall space all vendor booths or assigned parking
areas so that there is six feet or more of empty space from the edge one vendor’s assigned
areas to the neighboring vendor.
E. Social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: Farmers markets shall also
implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each market to ensure social
distancing of vendors and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health
measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at farmers markets consistent
with guidance issued by the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa Department of
Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals, and Iowa
State University Extension and Outreach.
Any other farmers market, festival, or community gathering of ten or more people that
does not comply with these requirements is prohibited. Customers of farmers markets are
strongly encouraged to engage in social distancing, wear a mask or other protective facecovering if unable to maintain a distance of six feet from others, practice good hygiene
practices, and attend the market alone without other family members.
SECTION THREE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 135.144 (3), and in conjunction with the Iowa
Department of Public Health, unless otherwise modified by subsequent proclamation or
order of the Iowa Department of Public Health, all auctions with more than 10 people
present in person continue to be prohibited until 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2020, at all
locations and venues, except for livestock auctions that only include food animals and farm
product auctions, which may continue to operate so long as there are no more than 25
people present in person. People who remain inside parked cars, trucks, or other enclosed
motor vehicles shall not be counted in considering the number of people present, provided
all people remain inside the vehicle at all times, and the vehicle remains enclosed with all
windows, sunroofs, and convertible tops closed.
SECTION FOUR. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-131.5(1) to the extent those
provisions require in-person clinical experience, so long as alternative evaluation methods
are used including but not limited to scenarios, case studies, or simulations. I hereby direct
the Department to provide guidance to training programs regarding the effect of these
SECTION FIVE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-131.4(1)(f) to the extent those
provisions require successful completion of the NREMT practical examination to be eligible
for state certification, if the department determines that the candidate has completed the
cognitive examination and should be granted an emergency certification to practice in
accordance with any guidance issued by the department. I hereby direct the department to
provide additional guidance to candidates for certification regarding the effect of these
SECTION SIX. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the regulatory
provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 641-131.5(10)(d), requiring training programs meet
certain standards and guidelines in applying to the department, to the extent a training
program cannot comply with applicable requirements due to this disaster emergency.
SECTION SEVEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the regulatory
provisions of Iowa Code §§ 147.2, 148B.8, and 154B.4, and Iowa Admin. Code r. 645-
201.3(4) and 645-208.3(4), to the extent that they require out-of-state physical therapists,
physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants,
speech pathologists, audiologists, optometrists, podiatrists, psychologists, dietitians,
hearing aid specialists, physician assistants, behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts,
orthotists, pedorthists, and prosthetists who hold an active license in another state to be
licensed in Iowa to provide services by telephone or other electronic means to individuals
in the State of Iowa.
SECTION EIGHT. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the Iowa
Department of Public Health, unless otherwise modified by subsequent proclamation or
order of the Iowa Department of Public Health, I hereby order that:
A. Voting and Election Training: The prohibitions on certain mass gatherings in the
Proclamations of Disaster Emergency issued on April 6 and April 16, 2020, shall not be
construed to limit any person from voting or attending training for precinct election
B. Use of Facilities: The closures of any school, establishment or other facilities in the
Proclamations of Disaster Emergency issued on April 2, April 6, 2020, and April 16, 2020,
shall not be construed to prohibit the operation of a polling place or in-person absentee
voting location at the school, establishment, or other facility.
SECTION NINE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health and at the request on behalf of a
county commission on veteran affairs, I temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of
Iowa Code §§ 35A.16(3) and 35B.6, and any provisions of the Iowa Administrative Code
implementing those provisions, to the extent a county is prohibited from expending an
allocation from the county commissions of veteran affairs fund for the current fiscal year to
provide services to veterans in coping with this disaster, including but not limited to the
provision of food or other basic necessities.
SECTION TEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and at the request of the Early Childhood
Iowa State Board on behalf of Early Childhood Iowa Area Boards, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code § 256I.9(4)(e), to the extent it limits the amount of
school ready children grant funding an area board may carry forward from fiscal year 2020
to fiscal year 2021 to twenty percent, but only if the amount does not exceed thirty-five
percent consistent with any policy adopted by the Early Childhood Iowa State Board.
SECTION ELEVEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, and at the request of the City of
Des Moines and the Iowa League of Cities on behalf of numerous local governmental
bodies, I temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code chapter 26 to the
extent they require the distribution, receipt, opening, or recording of paper documents by a
governmental entity under the Iowa Construction Bidding Procedures Act, so long as the
governmental entity otherwise complies with those provisions of chapter 26 by electronic
means, including but not limited to the use of an electronic public bidding service.
SECTION TWELVE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health and at the request of the Iowa
Judicial Branch, I temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code § 808.8(2)
requiring a peace officer’s statement on a return of service to be made under oath, to the
extent that a peace officer may use electronic means to file the return of service and submit
an inventory of seized property, subject to any processes and procedures established by
the judicial branch.
SECTION THIRTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rules 650-1-1.2, 650-11.5, 650-12.1, and 650-
12.4 to the extent an applicant is required to complete specific examinations as a
prerequisite for initial licensure as a dentist or dental hygienist, if the dental board
determines that the applicant has completed sufficient education and should be granted a
temporary license to practice in accordance with any guidance issued by the board.
Suspension of these provisions shall extend through the duration of this Proclamation and
any future extension of this suspension. I hereby direct the dental board to provide
additional guidance to applicants regarding the effect of this suspension, including
guidance on obtaining a temporary license.
SECTION FOURTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3), and
in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code § 135.17(3) and Iowa Administrative Code rule 641-
51.12 which require each local board of health to furnish the Iowa Department of Public
Health with evidence by May 31 annually that each student enrolled in school within the
local board’s jurisdiction has satisfied dental screening requirements. I hereby direct the
Iowa Department of Public Health to provide additional guidance to local boards of health
regarding the effect of this suspension.
SECTION FIFTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 493-12.3(1), to the extent those provisions
prohibit an attorney from submitting an interim claim in a juvenile case at the continuance
of a dispositional hearing or a post-dispositional review hearing. Suspension of these
provisions shall not affect any other requirement related to the submission of claims to the
state public defender for review, approval, and payment.
SECTION SIXTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 493-12.3(4), to the extent those provisions
prohibit an attorney from submitting an interim claim in other cases, including all adult
criminal cases except Class A felony cases, at the continuance of trial. Suspension of these
provisions shall not affect any other requirement related to the submission of claims to the
state public defender for review, approval, and payment.
SECTION SEVENTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.2, 446.7(1), 446.9, 446.10(2), 446.15, 446.16,
446.17, 446.18, 446.19, 446.19A, 446.19B, 446.24, 446.25, and 446.28, requiring a county
treasurer to hold a tax sale for any parcel on which taxes are delinquent, including all
notice and publication requirements prior to such a sale.
SECTION EIGHTEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.20(1) and 445.3(5), permitting a county
treasurer to collect the total amount of delinquent taxes due by alternative remedy,
including by personal judgment.
SECTION NINETEEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 446.20(2), 447.9, and 447.12, to the extent that a
person’s right of redemption expires if the person has been served a notice of expiration of
the right of redemption. Nothing in this section affects the ability of a holder of a certificate
of purchase to serve a notice of expiration of the right of redemption, and nothing in this
section restricts or limits a person’s right to redeem during the pendency of this disaster.
SECTION TWENTY. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 447.1(1), 447.3, 447.4, 447.7(d), 447.8(4), to the
extent those provisions require the accrual or imposition of interest for a tax sale
redemption for the duration of this suspension.
SECTION TWENTY-ONE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 448.1(1), requiring a county treasurer to make out a
deed immediately after the expiration of ninety days from the date of completed service of
a notice of expiration of the right of redemption.
SECTION TWENTY-TWO. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code § 422.7(32)(a) and Iowa Admin. Code rule 701-
40.53(1)(b) to the extent those provisions require a taxpayer that has made contributions
to the Iowa educational savings plan trust on or after January 1, 2020 but on or before the
date prescribed in Iowa Code § 422.21 for making and filing an individual income tax
return, excluding extensions, to elect to be deemed to have made a contribution on the last
day of the preceding calendar year, so long as that election is made on or before the end of
this suspension or any extension of this suspension for contributions made on or after
January 1, 2020, but before the end of this suspension or any extension of this suspension.
Taxpayers should not expect that this suspension will be extended beyond July 31, 2020.
SECTION TWENTY-THREE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 541B.3(1)(a) and §§ 541B.3(2)(a) and Iowa Admin.
Code rule 701-40.82(2)(b)(4) to the extent those provisions require the designation of an
account and an individual as beneficiary of a first-time homebuyer savings account by April
30, 2020 for accounts opened in 2019, so long as the designation is made on or before the
end of this suspension or any extension of this suspension for accounts opened in 2019.
Taxpayers should not expect that this suspension will be extended beyond July 31, 2020.
SECTION TWENTY-FOUR. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3),
and in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 331.478(2) and 331.478(3) to the extent those
provisions prevent a board of trustees of a county hospital from authorizing noncurrent
debt for the purpose of providing working capital or for general financing needs to sustain
the hospital’s operations and in the form of natural disaster loans from the state or federal
SECTION TWENTY-FIVE. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3),
and in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code §§ 331.478(2) and 331.479 to the extent those
provisions require notice and publication of the proposed action prior to the authorization
of noncurrent debt for the purpose of providing working capital or for general financing
needs to sustain the hospital’s operations, so long as the board complies with the notice
requirements contained Iowa Code § 21.4.
SECTION TWENTY-SIX. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code § 135.144(3),
and in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily suspend the
regulatory provisions of Iowa Code chapter 643 concerning actions of replevin, to the
extent that the basis of the replevin action is to recover collateral for nonpayment of a debt.
Suspension of these provisions includes the commencement or ongoing prosecution of a
replevin action and all relevant service or notice requirements for a replevin action to
recover collateral for nonpayment of a debt, and does not include an action to recover
personal property under chapter 643 for any other purpose. Nothing in this section shall be
construed as relieving any individual of their obligation to make promissory note or
contractual payments, or to comply with any other obligation that an individual may have
under a promissory note or contract.
SECTION TWENTY-SEVEN. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code §
135.144(3), and in conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I temporarily
suspend the regulatory provisions authorizing the commencement of proceedings or the
prosecution of ongoing proceedings subject to mandatory mediation under Iowa Code
§654A.6 (proceedings to enforce a debt against agricultural property which is real estate
under chapter 654, to forfeit a contract to purchase agricultural property under chapter
656, to enforce a secured interest in agricultural property under chapter 554, or to
otherwise garnish, levy on, execute on, seize, or attach agricultural property). Nothing in
this section shall be construed as relieving any individual of their obligation to make
promissory note or contractual payments, or to comply with any other obligation that an
individual may have under a promissory note or contract.
SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT. Pursuant to Iowa Code § 29C.6(6) and § 135.144(3), and in
conjunction with the Iowa Department of Public Health, I hereby temporarily suspend the
provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 642 authorizing garnishment and the provisions of Iowa
Code Chapter 626 allowing execution of garnishment, except for those provisions relating
to enforcement of domestic support orders.
SECTION TWENTY-NINE. The Iowa Department of Public Safety, Iowa Department of
Public Health, Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Department of Homeland Security and
Emergency Management, Iowa Department of Transportation, and other participating state
agencies are hereby directed to monitor the operation and implementation of this
proclamation to assure the public’s health and safety.
SECTION THIRTY. Nothing contained in this declaration shall be construed as an
exemption from any other portion of the Iowa Code or Iowa Administrative Code not
specifically identified in this proclamation.
SECTION THIRTY-ONE. The provisions of this proclamation shall be effective
immediately, unless otherwise noted. This proclamation shall not be construed to
otherwise modify the proclamations issued on April 2, 2020, April 6, 2020, April 10, 2020,
or April 16, 2020. This state of public health disaster emergency shall continue to expire on
April 30, 2020, at 11:59 p.m., unless sooner terminated or extended in writing by me.
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April 24, 2020
Eastern Star Statement of COVID-19 Diagnosis of Staff Member
Barthell O.E.S. Home (Eastern Star) Statement of COVID-19 Diagnosis of Staff Member
On April 23, 2020, in Decorah, Iowa-A case of COVID-19, the illness resulting from the novel coronavirus, has been diagnosed in an employee of Barthell O.E.S. Home in Decorah, Iowa.
“The staff member is in quarantine in a hotel. We have notified Winneshiek County and the Iowa Department of Public Health as required and are following facility procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Iowa D.P.H.” We are taking steps as recommended by authorities to contain the spread. We want to make residents and tenants and their families, our dedicated staff and our community aware of this situation and reassure everyone that we are on top of the situation. “
Barthell O.E.S. Home is a Continuing Care Retirement Community, offering the following levels of care: Nursing Facility, Assisted and Independent Living. We have been providing care for the elderly of Decorah and surrounding communities since 1969. We employ approximately 85 individuals caring for a community of 80+ residents and tenants. For more information, visit our website at
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April 23, 2020
Fillmore County COVID-19 Case Update April 23, 2020
Fillmore County Public Health Official Statement
Date: April 23, 2020 11:00 AM
Contact: Jessica Erickson, Director of Nursing
Phone: Coronavirus Hotline 507-765-2642
Fillmore County COVID-19 Case Update
On April 23, 2020, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) confirmed one new positive case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Fillmore County. This case involves a male in his 80s. Eleven of the twelve Fillmore County cases have completed the required isolation period. Once isolation is completed, a person may return to activities within the community.
As of April 23, 2020, the current coronavirus case counts for Fillmore County are below.
Female | Male | |
Under 10 | ||
10-19 | 1 | |
20-29 | 2 | |
30-39 | ||
40-49 | 1 | 2 |
50-59 | 1 | |
60-69 | 2 | 2 |
70 and Older | 1 |
*Note 4/20/20. MDH provided updated information to Fillmore County regarding cases. One case among a male in his 40s has been reclassified to another county.
*Note 3/28/2020. MDH provided updated information to Fillmore County regarding cases. One case among a male in his 20s has been reclassified to a male in his 40s.
Fillmore County Public Health is working with MDH and health care partners to address needs of these patients and provide guidance to others who may have had contact with them.
The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is spread primarily by respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza is spread. It can also spread when people touch surfaces that have been contaminated by an infected person and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth.
Fillmore County Public Health would like to stress again the importance of continuing to do the things that can limit the spread of the coronavirus:
- Stay home and away from others if you are sick
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with your elbow or tissue
- Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water
- Avoid touching your face.
More information about coronavirus is available website at The MDH public hotline at 1-800-657-3903 is open 7AM to 7PM. The Fillmore County COVID-19 hotline for media and the public is available Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. This number is 507-765-2642.
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April 23, 2020
Ptacek and Redalen re-elected to MiEnergy Cooperative’s board 2020
Ptacek and Redalen re-elected to MiEnergy Cooperative’s board
Cresco, IA | Rushford, MN (7:30 p.m. April 22, 2020)— Last month, MiEnergy Cooperative announced its annual meeting scheduled for April 22 would be a non-member attended event due to COVID-19. Elections for District 1 board directors went ahead as scheduled. Dennis Puckett, of Sullivan & Ward, P.C. and who serves as the cooperative attorney, announced the election results during a conference call held today (April 22) at 7 p.m. by the MiEnergy board and staff.
A total of 974 votes were cast (862 by mail and 112 electronically). This is 21.48% of 4,534 eligible MiEnergy voters in District 1.
Both incumbents are returning to the board for three-year terms. Dennis Ptacek, of Elma, Iowa, ran unopposed and received 900 votes. Ptacek has served on the board for MiEnergy and its predecessor Hawkeye REC since 1997. Incumbent Jeffrey Redalen, of Fountain, Minn., was re-elected with 562 votes, while his challenger Dave Ruen, of Wykoff, Minn. received 392 votes. Redalen has served on the board for MiEnergy and its predecessor Tri-County Electric Cooperative since 2002.
The results were certified by independent election vendor Survey and Ballot Systems.
In lieu of a member attended meeting, the cooperative posted a five-minute video online on April 17 that details the decision to have no member attended annual meeting and to provide highlights of 2019 that would normally be presented at the annual meeting. The video is posted on the co-op’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.
MiEnergy Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative and is the result of a merger between Hawkeye REC, of Cresco, Iowa and Tri-County Electric Cooperative, of Rushford, Minn. in 2017. It maintains 5,500 miles of power lines covering most of Fillmore, Houston and Winona counties in Minnesota and Chickasaw, Howard and Winneshiek counties in Iowa. The cooperative also serves small pockets bordering those counties. It provides electricity to more than 18,800 members in northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota. MiEnergy is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.
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April 22, 2020
Absentee voting is available now
For immediate release…
Absentee voting through the mail for the June 2nd Primary Election starts April 23rd. Voters are encouraged to vote by mail for this election to help minimize person to person contact in the current COVID19 epidemic. The Secretary of State will be sending each registered voter an application for absentee ballot by mail. Voters can also print these request forms out from or the Secretary of State’s WEB site. Voters can also contact the County Auditor’s Office at (563) 382-5085 or to receive a request form in the mail.
Voters are reminded that for a Primary Election they must register with the Democratic or Republican Party. If requesting a ballot by mail, be sure to indicate on the application which party’s ballot you wish to receive.
Early, in-person voting will be available in the Auditor’s office starting May 4th. Please exercise appropriate social distancing measures if voting in person.
Several factors including: Increased vote by mail participation, many regular polling locations being closed, and many poll workers being “at risk” individuals; will necessitate the use of fewer polling locations on Election Day. On June 2nd there will only be three polling locations in Winneshiek County:
Winneshiek County Courthouse: Precincts 1-6 and 11. These are the voters that normally vote at the Courthouse, North Winn School, Decorah City Hall, First Lutheran Church, and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Calmar Lutheran Church: Precincts 7 and 8. These are the voters that normally vote at Calmar Lutheran Church and Ossian Community Center.
Ridgeway Community Center: Precincts 9 and 10. These are the voters that normally vote at Ridgeway Community Center and Fort Atkinson Community Center.
Additional Election Information is available at, including forms, sample ballots, and other information. Contact the County Auditor at (563) 382-5085 or with questions.
Thank you,
Ben Steines
Winneshiek County Auditor
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April 22, 2020
U.S. Attorney and IRS-CI Warn Taxpayers against Fraud Schemes Related to COVID-19
Department of Justice
United States Attorney Marc Krickbaum
Southern District of Iowa
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 515-473-9300
U.S. Attorney and IRS-CI Warn Taxpayers against Fraud Schemes
Related to COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments
DES MOINES, Iowa – The United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of
Iowa and Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigations (IRS-CI), St. Louis Field Office, are
warning taxpayers to be on the lookout for scam artists trying to use the COVID-19 economic
impact payments as cover for schemes to steal personal information and money.
United States Attorney Marc Krickbaum and Karl Stiften, Special Agent in Charge,
Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), St. Louis Field Office, made the
announcement today in an effort to prevent taxpayers from falling victim to criminals using the
recently approved economic impact payments as an opportunity to commit a crime.
Automatic COVID-19 economic impact payments started being deposited into taxpayers’
accounts on April 11. For most Americans, this will be a direct deposit into your bank account.
For the unbanked, retirees or other groups who have traditionally received tax refunds via paper
check, they will receive their economic impact payment in this manner as well. Scammers may try
to get you to sign over your check to them or use this as an opportunity to get you to “verify” your
filing information in order to receive your money, and then use your personal information at a
later date to file false tax returns in an identity theft scheme. Because of this, everyone receiving a
COVID-19 related economic impact payment from the government is at risk.
Karl Stiften, Special Agent in Charge of the IRS-CI St. Louis Field Office warned “The
existence of a deadly national pandemic will not stop criminals seeking to capitalize on the fears
and difficulties faced by the public as they try to line their own pockets by stealing your money or
your personal information.”
“Today, we need to be just as careful about our financial information as we are about our
health,” stated U.S. Attorney Krickbaum. “Don’t give out your financial or personal
information—or your money – over the phone, or in response to emails or texts. And look out for
your elderly neighbors, friends, and relatives to help prevent them from falling victim to
Special Agent in Charge Stiften offers the following information and tips to spot a scam
and understand how the COVID-19 related economic impact payments will be issued.
• The IRS will deposit your check into the direct deposit account you previously
provided on your tax return (or, in the alternative, send you a paper check).
• The IRS will not call and ask you to verify your payment details. Do not give out
your bank account or any other account information – even if someone claims it’s necessary to get
your check. It’s a scam.
• If you receive a call, don’t engage with scammers or thieves, even if you want to
tell them that you know it’s a scam, or you think that you can beat them. Just hang up.
• If you receive texts or emails claiming that you can get your money faster by
sending personal information or clicking on links, delete them. Don’t click on any links in those
emails or texts.
• Reports are also swirling about bogus checks. If you receive a check that requires
that you verify the check online or by calling a number, it’s a fraud.
In these uncertain and trying times, we need to stand together united with purpose. Don’t
become a victim by allowing criminals to exploit your emotions. Stay strong, tell your family,
friends and neighbors about these scams.
“IRS Criminal Investigation alongside the U.S. Department of Justice are prioritizing these
types of investigations to help protect taxpayers and the tax system, especially those looking to
prey on vulnerable taxpayers,” said Special Agent in Charge Stiften. “Remember, go directly
and solely to for official information.”
For more information, visit the IRS website at You can always
report scams to the IRS on the website at
# # # # #
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April 22, 2020
WCDT launches a new Small Business Assistance Program Directory
April 22, 2020
For Immediate Release
Re: Winneshiek County Development Launches an Interactive List of Available Local, State and Federal Programs for Businesses and Individuals
Stephanie Fromm, Winneshiek County Development and Tourism
Winneshiek County Development and Tourism (WCDT) launches a new Small Business Assistance Program Directory on the WCDT website, under the Services tab. The new Directory offers a searchable organized list of available local, state, federal, public and private programs, including grants. The search filter allows users to easily find and access programs and resources that specifically apply to them.
Stephanie Fromm, Executive Director for Winneshiek County Development and Tourism states, “We have new grant and program announcements and updates from state and federal partners almost daily. So many in fact that we were having trouble figuring out how to share the information with our business partners without overwhelming them. Not everyone will qualify for every program or grant but we don’t want anyone to miss out on an opportunity they do qualify for. So we thought, why not fix this and make it simple for everyone. We started working with Brad Crawford because he has developed unique interactive web platforms in the past. He has years of experience working on projects that maximize the interface between information technology and the social and physical conditions that influence human cognition and retention. As a result, the development of this new Directory provides a model that other communities in Iowa can learn from.”
The site will be updated daily with new information and available grants and loans as the team finds them. Lora Friest, Project Coordinator for WCDT noted, “Stephanie, I, and our Small Business Consultants are constantly on the look-out for new grants and programs, as well as updates to existing opportunities. We always want our existing businesses and community members to have every opportunity to find and secure financial and technical assistance – even more so during this difficult time. Economic Development isn’t just about recruiting new businesses, it is also about helping the businesses we have when they need it. However, honestly, figuring out and keeping track of these programs can be daunting for small business owners and community members. I feel confident that this new Directory will help.”
The Winneshiek County Small Business Development Counselors have also been working with WCDT staff to help develop and update the on-going list of available grants, loans, and funds that support our local businesses. Josh Dansdill, SBDC Counselor, shared “There have been hundreds of phone calls from small business owners throughout the region taking advantage of our Helpline services to talk and get one-on-one assistance. This is just one more opportunity for those who want it to access information. Not everyone feels comfortable talking about financial issues over the phone. This new Directory will help them get updated information they need via the web.”
Fromm also noted that the Directory doesn’t preclude anyone from contacting her or one of the Small Business Counselors with questions and that the information on the Directory will be updated. “There are four of us taking questions and helping small businesses. We know that sometimes it just helps to talk with a person and many people prefer that. That won’t change. We’ll still be here. However, information changes so quickly, the Directory provides an opportunity for everyone to see updates and get additional information on-line. The site makes it so people don’t have to check multiple websites, multiple times a week. We specifically include additional programs and grant opportunities for certain areas of our workforce. Additional programs and funding opportunities are announced or re-opened every week, so we will update the Directory regularly.”
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April 21, 2020
Decorah Parks and Recreation Virtual Race Series
DATE: April 21, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Decorah Parks and Recreation Virtual Race Series
PRESS CONTACT: Erika Randall (563) 382-4158,
Decorah Parks and Recreation invites runners (and walkers) of all ages, speeds and abilities to participate in a free Virtual Race Series!
The Virtual Race Series will include different race distances each week. Individuals may participate in one or all of the races. Participants should run (or walk) alone or with members of the same household. The race can take place anywhere a participant enjoys running or walking.
Participants may run or walk the required distance as many times as they want during the week, but participants should only submit their fastest completed race time. Times must be submitted by midnight on the final day of each designated race week.
Races are run on an honor system and the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department asks that participants be honest and accurate with the times they submit. Participants may contact the Decorah Park-Rec Office if they have questions or need assistance calculating the distance of a particular route.
Registration and race results should be submitted using the website link available at for the corresponding race period. If a participant does not have internet access, results may be submitted by calling the Decorah Park-Rec Office at 563-382-4158.
Awards will be given to the top male and top female participant in each week’s race (5k, 5 mile and 10k). Weekly drawing prizes will be awarded to two randomly selected participants in the Kids 1-mile race and two randomly selected participants in each week’s respective race.
The Decorah Parks and Recreation Virtual Race Series Calendar
April 21 – April 27 (Open to submit results April 21 – April 27)
- 5k (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
April 28 – May 4 (Open to submit results April 28 – May 4)
- 5 mile (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
May 5 – May 11 (Open to submit results May 5–11)
- 10k (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
This is an official city press release. Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of the author. Any reprint or broadcast of this information must include this entire communication.
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April 21, 2020
WMC announces cancellation of 2020 Grand Community Picnic
April 21, 2020
Contact: Mary Marx, Director of Marketing & Communications
563-387-3020 ●
WMC announces cancellation of 2020 Grand Community Picnic
Winneshiek Medical Center has announced the Grand Community Picnic will not be held in 2020, due to COVID-19 precautions. Typically, the picnic takes place the end of August.
“The Grand Community Picnic has been a fun tradition for many families as summer winds down each year. We are saddened by the need to cancel the 2020 event, and look forward to the future when we can safely gather for the event again,” says Lisa Radtke, chief administrative officer, Winneshiek Medical Center.
The primary influencing factors in this decision were as follows:
- The amount of dedicated time, staff and dollars required to plan the picnic when energy is focused on the medical center’s COVID-19 response and recovery.
- Concern for our community’s safety at a large event, even if state guidelines have been lifted to allow for gatherings to resume.
- Our desire to respect other organizations that support WMC’s efforts in making the picnic successful when they are focusing time, energy and expense on their own COVID-19 responses.
Radtke says, “This decision was made with great discernment. We believe it is the best decision at this time so we may focus our efforts on caring for our patients, staff and communities during the height of the pandemic.”
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April 21, 2020
Telehealth Options for Iowans Issued 04/17/2020
Telehealth Options for Iowans
Issued 04/17/2020
Iowa health insurers and healthcare providers may have developed additional telehealth
capabilities, enabling their patients to be medically assessed remotely, without overwhelming
Iowa healthcare facilities.
Iowans can check their health insurance or healthcare provider’s website or call for guidance
on how to access their telehealth systems. Examples of known telehealth options include:
Wellmark Virtual Visits
Amerigroup Iowa 24/7 Nurse Help-Line
Iowa Total Care 24/7 Nurse Help-Line
Unity Point Health Virtual Care
MercyOne Virtual Care
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
The Iowa eClinic Virtual Care
CHI Health Virtual Care
Medical Associates Information on Telehealth Visits and Nurse Help-Line
Genesis Convenient CareNow Virtual Care
Grand River Medical Group Acute Care Clinic – Virtual Visit
Physicians Clinics of Iowa Televisit
Knoxville Hospital & Clinics Mobile Express Care
Crescent Community Health Center
Primary Health Care
Community Health Center
Community Health Centers of Southern Iowa
Peoples Community Health Clinic
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April 21, 2020
Winneshiek County Development Secures Federal Funding for Two New Projects
For Immediate Release
Re: Winneshiek County Development Secures Federal Funding for Two New Projects
Stephanie Fromm, Winneshiek County Development and Tourism
Winneshiek County Development and Tourism (WCDT) announced Friday that they had secured federal Rural Business Development Grants (RBDG) for two new projects. WCDT Executive Director Stephanie Fromm said that WCDT was awarded an RBDG grant from USDA Rural Development to provide technical assistance, including architectural services and planning, for a new Northeast Iowa Child Care and Discover Center. “The award will help us double our local contributions for the project and give us an opportunity to develop high quality plans for the proposed facility.”
Fromm said WCDT has been exploring the potential for development of the new facility for several months in response to the shortage of child care in Winneshiek County and Northeast Iowa. She noted that several factors influenced development of the project, among them reports from several local businesses and employers who are having difficulty recruiting workers because potential employees can’t find daycare. Daycares have reported long waiting lists and, as regulations have increased, several in-home daycares in the county have closed. Several local businesses provided letters of support for the project.
“We understand and support our existing child care facilities. In fact, development of the new facility is just one strategy we are working on to meet the need and strengthen our workforce. WCDT recognizes that we can’t solve every aspect of the problem, but we do believe that we can turn the challenges we have into opportunities. To do that we will implement a multi-faceted approach that considers children first, recognizes that different families will select different types of child care options for their children, and maximizes local resources to benefit as many children as possible.”
Fromm went on to note that WCDT’s goal is to build on existing nonprofit, private, and public facilities and programs while creating new spaces for child care, child discovery and creative play. WCDT has helped licensed child care facilities maximize their opportunities and secure funding for programming and facility upgrades. WCDT is seeking additional partnerships and funding to help unlicensed child care facilities become licensed if they desire and working with partners and legislators to increase awareness about child care costs, wage issues, and infrastructure needs.
The second RBDG was awarded to Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) to work with WCDT to conduct research and planning to explore the potential for the North Winneshiek School to be developed into a Business Enterprise Center. The application was completed as a joint effort between WCDT and RC&D. Fromm noted, “Although we could only apply for one RBDG a year, we felt strongly that the window of opportunity for the North Winn School to be developed into a Business Enterprise Center was something we didn’t want to miss. We didn’t want to have to pick between the two projects. Our partnership with the RC&D made it possible for us to make progress on both projects at the same time.”
WCDT and the RC&D will use the grant funding and local matching dollars to conduct a site assessment, feasibility study, develop a business plan, and work with local entrepreneurs, businesses, and partners to develop a plan for how to move forward with use of the North Winn School as an Enterprise Center will foster business development far into the future. Josh Dansdill, RC&D Grants Specialist and Business Development Planner, worked with the WCDT team to develop the application from the RC&D. He said, “When Lora Friest, Stephanie Fromm, and I toured the building with Mark Lane, Superintendent of Decorah School District, we could see the potential immediately. I have visited and studied enterprise centers throughout the Midwest and am excited to have the opportunity to be part of the project.”
Fromm noted that several citizens from the northern part of the county had contacted her asking for help to consider uses for the vacant facility and that during development of the grant, several entrepreneurs and small business owners provided letters of support. “We know there is support for the project and that the RC&D will be a wonderful partner. They have a great deal of experience with business planning, feasibility studies and working with entrepreneurs. They have also completed extensive research on enterprise centers, so we are very excited to work with them to complete this project over the next year,” said Fromm.
Fromm noted that local contributions made to WCDT or the RC&D for either project will be tax deductible and will be doubled through the grants. “These federal dollars give people a chance to double our local investment in our children and grandchildren, as well as to foster business development in Winneshiek County through an exciting new venture”.
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April 21, 2020
Professional Beauty Association is offering a COVID-19 Relief Fund
The Professional Beauty Association is offering a COVID-19 Relief Fund to help support licensed beauty professionals who have not been able to work or are experiencing financial hardships due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This fund will provide $500 for short-term immediate needs such as food and bills. Applications will be reviewed on a daily basis Monday through Friday, and they will be funded using a lottery system as donations are received so that all eligible applicants have an equal chance of receiving aid. Eligible licensure types include cosmetologist, barber, hair, esthetics, instructor, make-up, massage therapy, nail tech, and specialty. Learn more and apply here:
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April 20, 2020
Howard County has business Links to share April 2020
In light of the recent freeze on new applications for the PPP & EIDL, and with very few successful State grant awardees, we wanted to share some other resources that may be of interest to you. We have compiled the full list on our website
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April 20, 2020
Fillmore County Still Seeking Donations for COVID-19 Response
Press Release: April 18, 2020
Contact: Brenda Pohlman
Fillmore County Still Seeking Donations for COVID-19 Response
Fillmore County Public Health is still accepting sewn masks, sewn gowns, and sewing materials to address COVID-19 response needs. The goal is to obtain 5,000 sewn masks and 500 sewn gowns. As of April 18, 617 masks and 11 gowns have been donated and distributed to areas of community need. Sewing materials accepted include cotton cloth and elastic. See the Fillmore County Public Health website for a pattern and instructions for making twenty-four masks at a time. Gown patterns are now available onsite from Fillmore County Public Health.
Materials are welcome Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Place donations and forms in the gray tote outside of the upper level of the Fillmore County Office Building located at 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN 55965. Please call 507-765-2642 with questions. Thanks for your help and support!
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April 17, 2020
Public Health Proclamation Tightens Restrictions for Allamakee County Residents April 16, 2020
News Release
April 17, 2020
Contact: Erin Berns at Veterans Memorial Hospital 568-3411
Public Health Proclamation Tightens Restrictions for Allamakee County Residents
Governor Reynolds issued a proclamation April 16, 2020, tightening restrictions for Allamakee County residents to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in the county and the state.
“Our region of the state has reached the threshold for which extra measures are needed,” said Allamakee County Public Health Director Lisa Moose. “This threshold includes regional measures of the rate of COVID-19 illness and hospitalization, long-term care outbreaks and the percentage of the population age 65 and older.”
In addition to Allamakee County, the affected region includes Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Grundy, Howard, Jones, Linn and Winneshiek counties.
The proclamation is in effect until April 30:
- Weddings, funerals, and other spiritual and religious gatherings may be held ONLY if there are 10 or fewer people AND all people stay at least 6 feet away from each other.
- All other social, community, recreational, leisure and sporting gatherings of any size with people outside of the same household are prohibited.
- Any person leaving their home must stay at least 6 feet away from anyone who does not live in their household whenever possible.
- Employers must evaluate if employees can work from home, and take steps to enable work from home for those who can.
- All businesses who remain open must take reasonable measures to protect employees and the public, including employee screening, social distancing and increased cleaning.
These restrictions apply to anyone in the affected counties, whether they live there, work there (and live in another country), or are visiting.
To read the governor’s proclamations, visit The Allamakee County Health Department continues to work closely with IDPH, and other state and local partners to respond to this ongoing pandemic.
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April 17, 2020
Fareway Donates More Than $200,000 to Support Small Businesses and Their Employees
April 17, 2020
Kristina Wiltgen, Executive Director
Fareway DonatesMore Than $200,000 to Support
Small Businesses and Their Employees
Fareway Stores, Inc. recently announced a $200,000 donation to the Iowa Chamber of Commerce Executives
(ICCE). The donation provided for $1,000 or more in gift cards to ICCE chamber of commerce members in the
communities Fareway serves.
ICCE distributed the Fareway gift cards to its chamber of commerce members. The Decorah Area Chamber of
Commerce received $2,000 in gift cards, which will be distributed to employees of local businesses.
“Local chambers have the pulse in each community and how best to serve its small business members during this
time of need,” said Fareway President and CEO Reynolds W. Cramer. “We hope this relief reduces some of the
stress our community business partners are facing.”
A Google Form has been created to allow local businesses to nominate an employee that would benefit from
Fareway’s gift. “The nomination period will end on Friday, April 24th at 12 p.m.” said DACC Executive Director
Kristina Wiltgen. “We know many employees and their families are facing hardship due to changes in employment.
We want to get the gift cards to them as soon as possible.”
“Our members work diligently every day to strengthen communities throughout Iowa,” said ICCE Executive
Director Lane Till. “Through this generous donation from Fareway, our members will have the ability to help
support the small businesses that create the heart of each of their communities”.
Follow the movement on Facebook with #FarewayShopsLocal and visit or follow the Decorah Area Chamber of
Commerce on Facebook and online at Call 563.382.3990 for more information.
About Fareway: Fareway Stores, Inc. is a growing Midwest grocery company currently operating 123 stores in a sixstate region. Fareway’s mission is to provide the highest quality products, while treating customers like family, and
valuing dedicated employees. Its stores are known for their unmatched, full-service meat departments, farm-fresh
produce, and exceptional to-your-car customer service. Fareway is a family-owned business, recognized as a top
10 employer in Iowa, and has more than 12,000 total employees. Visit for more information.
About the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce: The DACC is a member based organization serving approximately
350 members throughout the Decorah area. Our mission is to be the trusted resource in the business community
for advocacy, collaboration, and education.
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April 17, 2020
Laura Ingalls Wilder Park and Museum cancels Laura Days Celebration for 2020
UPDATE – April 17, 2020
We regret to announce, after much deliberation, the Board of Directors and Staff of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Park & Museum have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Laura Days festivities (originally scheduled for June 27/28) in consideration of everyone’s health and safety.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Park & Museum will remain closed until further notice, due to the COVID-19 virus. We hope to open in the near future but will continue to monitor the situation.
Further updates will be posted on Facebook (Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum – Burr Oak, Iowa) and on our website (
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April 16, 2020
Iowa Gov. Reynolds issues stricter mitigation orders for much of northeast Iowa April 16, 2020
Click the link for verbiage of the new mitigation orders
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April 16, 2020
Rapid COVID-19 Testing Will Soon Be Available Locally- Testing Must Still be Ordered by Medical Provider
April 16, 2020
CONTACT: Erin Berns at Veterans Memorial Hospital 568-3411
Rapid COVID-19 Testing Will Soon Be Available Locally-
Testing Must Still be Ordered by Medical Provider
Waukon is one of the cities in Iowa that has received the Abbott ID Now instrument for rapid COVID-19 testing from the State of Iowa. Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon received the machine because testing is not widely available in this area. This machine will soon be used for testing in long term care facilities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and residential care facilities within a 30 mile radius of Waukon. These tests must still be ordered by a provider or the State Epidemiologist.
These tests are designated to be used for high priority specimens requiring rapid result and when action will be taken based on the results in these facilities. At this time, this machine will not be used for any other reason than testing at the above facilities. The current COVID-19 tests for people outside of these facilities are still sent to the State of Iowa or Gundersen Health Center for results.
Veterans Memorial Hospital Laboratory staff is trained and ready to do rapid testing by direction from the State of Iowa.
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April 15, 2020
WMC acknowledges volunteers during National Volunteer Week
April 15, 2020
Contact: Mary Marx, Director of Marketing & Communications
563-387-3020 ●
WMC acknowledges volunteers during National Volunteer Week
Winneshiek Medical Center’s 100 active volunteers are present in many areas, including the information desk, hospice, Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP), Auxiliary Gift Shop, and at special events. Additionally, volunteers provide hand-crafted items for patients, help with mailings, share their gardening talents and provide for other needs, as requested.
Karla Bakken, volunteer coordinator at WMC, says, “Even during the COVID-19 pandemic when regular volunteer services are paused, our team of volunteers continues to inspire hope through their spirit of giving. Some are making masks, others helped assemble a gift for staff; still others continue to help with Medicare questions through telephone appointments.”
National Volunteer Week is April 19-25, 2020. Bakken says, “Although we cannot thank our volunteers in person right now, our circumstances do not diminish our appreciation for them and their selfless work.”
To learn more about volunteer opportunities call the Winneshiek Medical Center Volunteer Services department at 563-387-3036.
Cutline: Volunteers Kate Hovden (left) and Pat Billet (right) volunteer at the Auxiliary Valentine Day sale event.
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April 13, 2020
News from Andy Kelleher Executive Director, Main Street Lansing
Five things today: (1) Artist Relief Fund, (2) Farmer Relief Fund, (3) New Small Business Relief Fund, (4) CARES Act Stimulus Check Update, (5) IEDA Grant Update———————————————————————
The Iowa Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund provides short-term financial relief to those in the arts, cultural and creative industries most impacted by state disaster declarations, natural disasters, and other forms of emergencies. It provides one-time funding of $1,000 for eligible Iowa artists and $2,500 for eligible Iowa arts nonprofits. The application for the first round of funding opens today (April 13th, 2020) and closes on Friday (April 17th, 2020). Due to the extent of this public health emergency, grant requests are anticipated to exceed available funding. Should additional funding become available, the application period may reopen. However, applying quickly is highly recommended. Learn more and apply here:
American Farmland Trust’s Farmer Relief Fund will award farmers with cash grants of up to $1,000 each to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis. Eligible applicants include any small and mid-size direct-market producers. These are defined as producers with annual gross revenue of between $10,000 and $1 million from sales at farmers markets and/or direct sales to restaurants, caterers, schools, stores, or makers who use farm products as inputs. Learn more and apply here:
The Iowa Small Business Relief Fund (this is different than the similarly-named program offered by Iowa Economic Development Authority) is dedicated to helping small business owners impacted by COVID-19 by offering grants ranging from $500-$3,500. Note: businesses can not be recipients of Federal and State small business relief dollars. To be eligible, businesses are required to have 1-7 employees prior to March 17, 2020, be based in Iowa, complete the online application, provide a 3 month P & L statement or bank statements, and provide a 2019 and 2020 Q1 Revenue. Funds can be used for business expenses including rent, insurance, utilities, delivery services, etc. Learn more and apply here:
The $1,200 stimulus checks from the CARES Act have started going out to the public. The IRS has stated that people who already have direct deposit information on file from their tax records will receive payments in the coming week. A U.S. Treasury spokesperson said that up to 70 million Americans will be paid by April 15th. For those without direct deposit, paper checks will arrive by mail any time between now and early September. The IRS is going to be launching a new “Get My Payment” tool in mid-April to check your payment status and confirm your payment type (which will allow you to enter your bank account information for direct deposit if you don’t care to wait for a paper check). If you don’t normally file taxes and are curious about how to receive your stimulus money, the IRS has guidance for you in their “Non-Filer” section. You can learn more about everything I’ve said above and watch for updates here:
Notifications were made last week for recipients of the IEDA Iowa Small Business Relief Grant. All applicants that were awarded a grant have received notification. At this time, all available funds have been expended. If additional funding is allocated, awards will be made from the current pool of applicants. IEDA will not open a new round of applications. You can see more info and view a list of grantees here:
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April 13, 2020
USDA Announces Loan Maturity for Marketing Assistance Loans Now Extended to 12 Months
USDA Announces Loan Maturity for Marketing Assistance Loans
Now Extended to 12 Months
Provides Producers with Marketing Flexibilities Amid COVID-19 Uncertainties
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2020 – Agricultural producers now have more time to repay Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL) as part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s implementation of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020. The loans now mature at 12 months rather than nine, and this flexibility is available for most commodities.
“Spring is the season when most producers have the biggest need for capital, and many may have or are considering putting commodities under loan. Extending the commodity loan maturity affords farmers more time to market their commodity and repay their loan at a later time,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. “We are extremely pleased that USDA can offer these marketing flexibilities at this critical time for the agriculture industry and the nation.”
Effective immediately, producers of eligible commodities now have up to 12 months to repay their commodity loans. The maturity extension applies to nonrecourse loans for crop years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Eligible open loans must in good standing with a maturity date of March 31, 2020, or later or new crop year (2019 or 2020) loans requested by September 30, 2020. All new loans requested by September 30, 2020, will have a maturity date 12 months following the date of approval.
The maturity extension for current, active loans will be automatically extended an additional 3 months. Loans that matured March 31 have already been automatically extended by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). Producers who prefer a nine-month loan will need to contact their local FSA county office. Loans requested after September 30, 2020, will have a term of nine months.
Eligible commodities include barley, chickpeas (small and large), corn, cotton (upland and extra-long staple), dry peas, grain sorghum, honey, lentils, mohair, oats, peanuts, rice (long and medium grain), soybeans, unshorn pelts, wheat, wool (graded and nongraded); and other oilseeds, including canola, crambe, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower, sunflower seed, and sesame seed. Seed cotton and sugar are not eligible.
About MALs
Placing commodities under loan provides producers interim financing to meet cash flow needs without having to sell their commodities when market prices are low and allows producers to store production for more orderly marketing of commodities throughout the year.
These loans are considered nonrecourse because the commodity is pledged as loan collateral, and producers have the option of delivering the pledged collateral to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) for repayment of the outstanding loan at maturity.
MAL Repayment
Under the new maturity provisions, producers can still repay the loan as they would have before the extension:
- repay the MAL on or before the maturity date;
- upon maturity by delivering or forfeiting the commodity to CCC as loan repayment; or
- after maturity and before CCC acquires the farm-stored commodity by repaying the outstanding MAL principle and interest.
Marketing Loan Gains
A Marketing Loan Gain occurs when a MAL is repaid at less than the loan principal. If market gain is applicable during the now-extended loan period, producers can receive a gain on the repayment made before the loan matures.
For more information on MALs, contact the nearest FSA county office. USDA Service Centers, including FSA county offices, are open for business by phone appointment only, and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with producers by phone and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. More information can be found at
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Amanda Hartman | |
Public Affairs/Outreach Specialist Assistant to the State Executive DirectorUSDA-Iowa Farm Service Agency Office: (515) 331-8480 |
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April 13, 2020
Allamakee County Specific COVID-19 Statistics Through April 13, 2020
Allamakee County Specific COVID-19 Statistics
Through April 13, 2020
Total Cases to date 23
Cases Requiring Hospitalization 5
Deaths due to COVID 1
Recovered/ Off Isolation 15
Number of tests sent to State Hygienic Lab *** 63
Number of negative tests processed at SHL 46
Number of tests pending at SHL 0
***We are not able to track the number of negative or pending tests done on Allamakee residents at reference labs such as Gundersen, Mayo, University of Iowa, etc… All positive tests done are reported to IDPH (Iowa Dept. of Public Health) who notifies Allamakee County Public Health to initiate follow up.***
Recommendations for people with illness
Stay home and isolate from others in the house until:
- You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is 3 full days of no fever without the use of fever reducing medications)
- Other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved)
- At least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
If you think you may need healthcare, call first. Your provider can assess whether you need to be seen in a healthcare facility or you should try to recover at home.
- Remember to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow/upper arm
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds
- Maintain 6 ft distance between each other
Remember the virus can’t move if you don’t !!
Let’s do what we can to keep Allamakee as safe as possible !!
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April 13, 2020
Fillmore County Seeking Donations for COVID-19 Response
Fillmore County Seeking Donations for COVID-19 Response
Fillmore County Public Health is now accepting sewn masks, sewn gowns, and sewing materials to address COVID-19 response needs. The goal is to obtain 5,000 sewn masks and 500 sewn gowns. Sewing materials accepted include cotton cloth and elastic. See the Fillmore County Public Health website for a pattern and instructions for making twenty-four masks at a time. Gown patterns are available on Pinterest or the peek-a-boo Pattern Shop.
Materials are welcome Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Place donations and forms in the gray tote outside of the upper level of the Fillmore County Office Building located at 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN 55965. Please call 507-765-2642 with questions. Thanks for your help and support!
Fillmore County Public Health
902 Houston Street NW, Suite 2
Preston, MN 55965
Fax: 507-765-2139
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April 10, 2020
Laura Ingalls Wilder Park and Museum in Burr Oak to remain closed through May 31, 2020
Due to COVID-19, the museum will remain closed for the entire month of May. We hope to re-open June 1, but will make that decision at a later time.
Updates will be posted on our website and also on the answering machine at 563-735-5916.
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April 10, 2020
Show Your Love for Local
Northeast Iowa RC&D is administering a donor sponsored fund to help small businesses in Decorah impacted by COVID-19. The fund will provide up to $500 stipends to qualifying businesses based on need as funding allows. It is anticipated that need will outpace the fund, but we are hoping to help as many as possible. The link to apply can be found here:
Orders will include a coupon for a carnation from Country Garden in Decorah. Once orders are ready an email will be sent with instructions for curbside pick-up…however we would encourage the shipping option. Thank you for supporting the Decorah area businesses and Stay Safe!
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April 10, 2020
Decorah Small Business COVID-19 Fund
Northeast Iowa RC&D is administering a donor sponsored fund to help small businesses in Decorah impacted by COVID-19. The fund will provide up to $500 stipends to qualifying businesses based on need as funding allows. It is anticipated that need will outpace the fund, but we are hoping to help as many as possible. Click below for more information.
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April 10, 2020
Ring Together for Compassion Hope & Celebration
We would like to invite your churches to ring your bells with us in an UNITED SOUND of compassion , hope , peace and celebration on EASTER SUNDAY 10 a.m. for five-SIX minutes…and we also invite all members of your congregations to step outside their homes and join in the UNITED RING with us!
WE need to celebrate, and we must pray and continue to do so in the next weeks. LET’S MAKE A UNITED EFFORT..and if we are loud enough , we might catch the sound, and know we are together in faith and in the promise of the RESURRECTED CHRIST! 10 a.m. EASTER SUNDAY FOR FIVE -SIX MINUES!
PLEASE GET THE WORD TO ALL YOUR PEOPLE AND IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! AND RING THOSE CHURCH BELLS AS LOUDLY AS YOU CAN! Be sure the kids have noise makers, pots and pans and whatever to join in!
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April 10, 2020
COVID-19: Treatment at Home Clayton County Board of Health
COVID-19: Treatment at Home
By Dr. Michele Dikkers, Chair of Clayton County Board of Health
COVID-19 has perplexed all of us, creating many questions and concerns. Probably the most pertinent concern, for our community and your care staff, is what to do if you come down with COVID-19.
If you develop fever, cough/respiratory symptoms or shortness of breath, you may be infected. We know that 80% of the time, you will be able to manage your symptoms at home. If you have symptoms, follow these suggestions:
- Stay at home, do not leave your home except for medical care.
- Separate yourself from others in your home. Stay in a “sick room” if possible.
- Avoid sharing personal household items (like dishes, glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding, etc.).
- Get rest and stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious foods. Humidification may help the breathing. Even though you need to rest, remember to get some activity to help expand your lungs, walking in your room or the hallway may be all you can tolerate, but can help.
- Use acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed.
- Clean high touch surfaces daily: counters, doorknobs, phones, remotes, key boards, etc.
Monitor your symptoms carefully. If your symptoms worsen, or you have concerns, contact your medical provider by calling their office. Your provider can assess whether you need to be seen in the office, or if you can recover at home. Also, there may be options for your provider to evaluate you via telehealth or telemedicine.
There are isolation recommendations for those with COVID-19, and those with fever or respiratory symptoms. You should stay at home and isolate from others in the house until:
- You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (3 full days) without use of medicines that reduce fever
- Other symptoms have improved/resolved
- It has been at least 7 days since your symptoms first appeared.
Isolation is also recommended for those that live with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19. They should stay at home for 14 days after the last exposure.
Remember, if you have questions, call your provider. Most are now able to evaluate patients via the phone and computer, this is referred to as Telehealth and Telemedicine.
We are in this together.
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April 10, 2020
Allamakee County Specific COVID-19 Statistics Through April 10, 2020
VMH Community & Home Care
40 1st Street SE
Waukon, IA 52172
(563) 568-5660
Allamakee County Specific COVID-19 Statistics
Through April 10, 2020
Total Cases to date 20
Cases Requiring Hospitalization 4
Deaths due to COVID 1
Recovered/ Off Isolation 15
Number of tests sent to State Hygienic Lab *** 63
Number of negative tests processed at SHL 43
Number of tests pending at SHL 3
***We are not able to track the number of negative tests done on Allamakee residents at reference labs such as Gundersen, Mayo, University of Iowa, etc… All positive tests done are reported to IDPH (Iowa Dept. of Public Health) who notifies Allamakee County Public Health to initiate follow up.
Recommendations for people with illness
Stay home and isolate from others in the house until:
• You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is 3 full days of no fever without the use of fever reducing medications)
• Other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved)
• At least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
If you think you may need healthcare, call first. Your provider can assess whether you need to be seen in a healthcare facility or you should try to recover at home.
• Remember to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow/upper arm
• Wash hands frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds
• Maintain 6 ft distance between each other
Remember the virus can’t move if you don’t !!
Let’s do what we can to keep Allamakee as safe as possible !!
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April 10, 2020
Gundersen Eye Clinics close temporarily due to COVID-19
Gundersen Eye Clinics close temporarily due to COVID-19
With patient health and safety in mind during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gundersen Health System will temporarily close some of its Eye Clinics effective Monday, April 13.
Temporary closures include Gundersen Eye Clinics in:
Black River Falls
Prairie du Chien
Richland Center
Essential Gundersen Eye Care (no routine appointments) is available at locations in La Crosse, Tomah, Winona, Decorah and Viroqua Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you need information from one of these locations or have questions, please call (608) 782-7300 or (toll free) (800) 362-9567.
The temporary closures may change as Gundersen monitors the COVID-19 pandemic.
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April 9, 2020
Winneshiek County Public Health Advises Against Easter Travels April 2020
News Release
April 9, 2020
Contact: Nancy Sacquitne RN, BSN 563-382-4662 |
Winneshiek County Public Health Advises Against Easter Travels
Easter and spring holidays are a traditional time of family gatherings, celebrations and observances. Like many other events and activities, Winneshiek County Public Health advises residents that these observances should be different this year.
“We know many families gather together over Easter and Passover,” said Winneshiek County Public Health Director Krista Vanden Brink, “But, like school, shopping and most other activities, we’re asking residents to modify their plans in light of COVID-19.”
Remain attentive to staying home if at all possible. Limit doing essential errands to one time per week and send only one (1) family member to do those errands.
Gatherings of family and friends, whether in Winneshiek County, or by travel to other states, is discouraged. When people come together, the chances of spreading the COVID19 virus grow. Although people with symptoms of the virus (coughing, fever and shortness of breath) obviously should not be around other people, even those who are seemingly well should do the same. “We are learning that some people with coronavirus don’t have any symptoms, and that even those who later develop symptoms can pass the virus to others before showing symptoms. This is why even people who do not feel ill should stay home,” said Vanden Brink.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is highly recommending wearing a mask in public – these can be homemade cloth masks. It is important to remember to maintain good hand washing whenever at home or out doing errands to keep your hands clean.
Families and friends are encouraged to find alternate ways to observe holidays and to stay connected. Try Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or other electronic means of connecting, and phone calls and letters are especially welcome during this time of social distancing.
As of today, April 9, 2020 there are 5 cases of COVID-19 in Winneshiek County.
Winneshiek County Public Health continues to work closely with the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), and other state and local partners to respond to this ongoing pandemic. Currently, three cases have completed isolation and are able to return to work or be out in the community. Follow-up is done with the positive cases by Winneshiek County Public Health.
For up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit the IDPH webpage at and follow the
department on Facebook at @IowaDepartmentOfPublicHealth and on Twitter at @IAPublicHealth.
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April 9, 2020
Alliant Energy gives $1 million to Hometown Care Energy Fund
News release
Media contact: Morgan Hawk (319) 786-4040 |
Alliant Energy gives $1 million to Hometown Care Energy Fund Donation helps income-eligible customers in Iowa with energy costs
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – April 9, 2020 – Alliant Energy (NASDAQ: LNT) is making a $1 million donation to its Hometown Care Energy Fund in Iowa. The fund assists customers that need financial help to pay their bill.
Alliant Energy knows that many customers may face financial hardship due to the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. This contribution shows Alliant Energy’s ongoing commitment to serve customers in Iowa and help those in need.
The Hometown Care Energy Fund is supported annually with funds from Alliant Energy shareowners, as well as voluntary contributions from employees, retirees and customers.
“We know that many customers need help paying their bill or may need additional help due to the pandemic,” said Linda Mattes, Vice President of Customer and IT Operations at Alliant Energy. “We are coming together with customers, employees, retirees and shareowners to help our neighbors.”
Alliant Energy partners with nonprofit organizations in Iowa to distribute the funds. Customers can review income eligibility requirements and apply for funding by contacting the Community Action Agency.
If you or someone you know is having difficulty paying a bill, visit the new Alliant Energy My Account site to set up a payment plan based on ability to pay. On My Account, customers can also set up fee-free credit card payments, review account information and report outages.
The contributions by Alliant Energy’s shareowners are not included in the rates charged to customers.
More information on the Hometown Care Energy Fund can be found at care.
For tips to reduce energy use and save money, Alliant Energy shares 10 tips.
Alliant Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: LNT) provides regulated energy service to 970,000 electric and 420,000 natural gas custom ers across Iowa and Wisconsin. Alliant Energy’s mission is to deliver the energy solutions and exceptional service customers and communities count on – safely, efficiently and responsibly. Interstate Power and Light Company and Wisconsin Power and Light Company are Alliant Energy’s two public energy companies. Alliant Energy is a component of the Nasdaq CRD Sustainability Index, Bloomberg’s 2020 Gender-Equality Index, and the S&P 500. For more information, visit and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagramand Twitter.
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April 9, 2020
COVID-19 Outbreak Guidance for Businesses 04/08/2020
Preventing Outbreaks
Businesses should implement measures to enable social distancing as much as possible.
- Consider staggering shifts to reduce worker population at any given time.
- Stagger breaks to reduce staff interactions.
- Review procedures to identify ways to increase the physical separation of staff.
- Businesses should prioritize hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette among employees.
- Businesses should provide or allow employees to wear their own homemade cloth facemasks.
- Businesses should provide hand sanitizer or handwashing opportunities as frequently as possible.
Detecting Outbreaks
Screen all employees by taking their temperature and assessing for cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing or any other respiratory symptom at the beginning and end of each shift. For a screening algorithm click here.
Exclude all employees reporting fever or respiratory symptoms (these cases will be directed to stay home and isolate themselves from other people and animals in the home) until they:
- Have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use of medicine that reduces fevers) AND
- Other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved) AND
- At least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
Exclusion criteria must be followed with all symptomatic employees, regardless of whether the testing is completed (even if the employee tests negative for COVID-19 infection).
Please report to the Iowa Department of Public Health when 10% or greater of your employees are reporting COVID-19 symptoms (including fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, or any other respiratory symptom). Report to public health by filling out the survey at this link:
Managing Outbreaks
Coordinate with your occupational health provider to define a pathway to test symptomatic employees.
- Public health will approve State Hygienic Laboratory testing for symptomatic employees during outbreaks.
- The occupational health provider or employees’ personal health providers will be responsible for collecting the nasopharyngeal swab for testing and following-up for medical care as needed.
When employees test positive for COVID-19 infection, public health and occupational health will work jointly to investigate cases and identify the following contacts:
- household contacts,
- rideshare partners, and
- co-workers with prolonged contact (within 6 feet of the case for at least 30 minutes).
All of these contacts will be directed to stay at home and isolate themselves from other people and animals in the home for 14 days after the last known exposure to a person with COVID-19
Businesses should consider excluding high-risk employees when outbreaks are ongoing. High-risk employees would include:
- People aged 65 years and older
- People of all ages with underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, including:
- People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
- People who have serious heart conditions
- People who are immunocompromised
- Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications
- People with severe obesity (body mass index [BMI] ≥40)
- People with diabetes
- People with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
- People with liver disease
Business decisions to close, should be based upon workforce availability and the ability to follow the recommended measures outlined above.
* Outbreaks are defined as greater than 10% of employees ill with COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, or other respiratory symptoms)
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April 8, 2020
WMC Mask Policy April 8, 2020
To conserve our masks for use by our health care workers, we are asking that anyone entering Winneshiek Medical Center for an appointment, urgent or emergency care, or otherwise, wear their own mask, scarf or face covering. If you do not have anything that can cover your mouth and nose, we do have some masks at each screening area (Main Entrance and Emergency) for use. Thank you for your understanding.
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