What You Don’t See

What You Don’t See is a mobile training trailer designed to simulate a “typical” teenager’s bedroom, complete with all the paraphernalia and imagery one would expect to see but not to necessarily understand from today’s younger culture. In the room, attendees will learn the meanings of signs, symbols & clothing, common hiding spots and other precursors that can be a tip to otherwise unsuspecting parents.

This program educates parents and teachers of youth, primarily pre-teen and teenage at-risk youth, on the warning signs to identify potentially dangerous behaviors and lifestyle choices aswell as how to intervene for a more positive outcome on behalf of those young targets before their life choices become terminal decisions. Because drugs, violence and crime don’t discriminate by gender, skin color, religion or affiliation, this public awareness campaign literally touch Iowans from all walks of life.

At the conclusion of the experience, attendees are provided with valuable resources such as pamphlets, contact information for local law enforcement agencies, substance abuse counselors, specific informational brochures, and much more. The INOA believes this will allow parents and teachers to continue fighting on behalf of their youth with the information gained from the experience in addition to assistance from the resources being pledged towards the project from organizations such as the Office of Drug Control Policy, the Des Moines Police Department, and more.